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How To Succeed And Drive Change As A Modern Entrepreneur

via Forbes & IESE Business School

"The breakneck pace of change in today’s world spares no area of business, including entrepreneurism. Indeed, given swift investment flows and the increasing difficulty in retaining talent, the creation of value by companies is especially foundational to improving society. It’s in this scenario we find ourselves, one in which the figure of the entrepreneur illuminates a world in search of leaders with good ideas and the work ethic to bring them to fruition.


Establish mutually beneficial mechanisms

An excellent example of collaboration between young entrepreneurs and experienced investors can be found in search funds. These funds provide an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to connect with seasoned investors who are eager to support them in their first CEO roles. This relatively new asset class has witnessed remarkable growth, attracting increasing interest and expanding the search fund ecosystem. While search funds originally emerged in the US, they have gained traction in other regions in recent years, with significant growth observed in Europe and Asia."